Online Reputation Management

Online Reputation Management (ORM) is the process of controlling what shows up when someone puts your company’s name on the search engine. You need to promote positive results about your business and push back the unwanted content. There can be negative or malicious reviews, irrelevant contents posted by competitors. Our experts analyze your online presence and we help you with a plan to improve your search results ranking.

Google is the most popular search engine in the world. Every day over one billion names and topics are searched on google. It is important to understand your position on Google search. Big organizations search names and companies before they hire or start business relations. We human beings tend to get influenced by gossips and rumors. Having negative reviews on the first result page of google search is not a very healthy sign for your business and you cannot change the search results overnight. You need to present correct facts about yourself and your business. So, it is your responsibility to create a good impression about you and your business on Google. We guide you in assessing your online reputation and provide you with some techniques and strategies to improve it.

The talented search engineers of our company track your search engine results and provide you with regular updates on the ORM progress. The tech experts and PR experts can join hands to improve your desired online image. There can be a dissatisfied customer who has posted something very negative about your company service. There can also be a different kind of explanation of why you were fired from your previous company. These reports can be harmful to your future. You directly do not have much scope to change what is written about you on social media or other blogs. So, there are expert engineers who can wipe out the negative posts and promote the positive things on the search list. They guide you how to use your Twitter handle or your LinkedIn profile.

Here are some ways to improve your online reputation and push back the negative reviews at the end of the search results.

Multiple Targets- In SEO you try to get the first position in the search engine results. However, in ORM things are little different. It is not important if your website comes on the first or any other position, it tries to bring forth time to time complementary and positive stories about your name or products.

The Displacement- The goal of ORM is to move down the negative contents from the search results. They technical experts try to displace the misleading or wrong information from the internet and promote the higher quality materials. It is important that the researcher clicks on the right kind of information before they go to your LinkedIn profile or company website.

Limited Circulation- In ORM campaigns, virality is not beneficial. Popular websites face more competitions and more competition means more circulation of wrong information.

Keywords- The ORM experts target specific search terms to project the right kind of information on the search list. The search terms or keywords put forward only relevant information, no matter which site the researcher decides to click.