conversion rate optimization

Conversion optimization is a process of increasing the percentage of visitors to a website that converts into customers. It is commonly known as CRO. We can help you convert your website visitors into active users of your products or service. We try the method of using analytics and user feedback to improve the performance of your website. You need to build your own testing and optimization plan. Any business wants more traffic on their website, but only visitors are not enough. You need to track the conversion rates regularly. Here are a few key terms related to CRO.

Call to Action (CTA)- There should be a primary key or a link on the website that takes the visitor directly to an action, that leads to conversion. In a commercial website, the ‘buy now’ button is very important. ‘Sign up’ button is for registering and converting the interested visitor into a loyal customer.

Conversion Funnel- If you want more conversion on your website, the interface should be simple and straight. Consider any popular commercial website for the structure. Usually, the structure goes like this: Home>Search>product>check out.

Split Testing- You need to do a split testing on your website from time to time. Each element on the page should be tested, how it changes in the conversion rate. You need to change the interface accordingly.

Multivariate Testing- You need to run MVT testing on the website occasionally to check which interface and which combination works best for you.

Your website should have a user-friendly interface. The CRO can be used to improve any metric that is important for your business. Here are some tips to improve the CRO of your website.

Make your call to action obvious - If you want your clients comes back to you for another service, you should properly highlight your contact details on the website. Improve your contact visibility. There should be your phone number and email id. You can ask your visitors to sign up for occasional newsletters.

Know the requirements of your clients - Do not keep on guessing the demands of your clients. It would be too late. Keep a survey tool ready on the website and ask for feedback. Look how you can improve the service. Ask, what kind of things they expect you to introduce.

Adjust your site with the trends - Ask the CRO experts how can you change the interface of your website with the latest trend. There should be proper website tracking tools. Rearrange your content in an attractive way. Your clients should be able to reach the right page on the website easily.

How to Test and Optimize Conversion Rate?

You can check the conversion rate of your website by using three kinds of tools such as analytics, user surveys, and user testing. You should use any of the tools depending on your requirement and budget. The basic analytic tool tracks and reports the daily happenings and performance of your website. User surveys help you understand the concerns of the clients. There are plenty of user testing software in the market.

We at Vast SEO, help you optimize your conversion rates. Our CRO experts give you valuable inputs to track and improve the conversions.